The country
IELTS not compulsary
Population - 37 Lakhs
5 cities
1 G. Lari = 24 INR
Minimum wage is 5 $/hr
- ​
Key industries
Service industry
4 Universities
1 year stay back period
Programs to Work in EU
Stay back
1 year for 1 year program
3 years for 2 years program
Georgia is a unique and upcoming place for international students to pursue theier studies. It has both public and private universities. Students can opt to study in courses offered in English to pursue Medical science. It is quickly attracting a lot of students from around the world as it is a gateway to the EU.
It is highly recommended to study the following courses to ensure a career in Canada post studies. Please get in touch with us to know more.
Medical Studies
Healthcare Management
Masters in Computer science
Masters in Data Analytics
PGDM in IT security
Get in touch with us to study the course of your choice.
Georgia National University
Tbilisi State Medical University
New Vision University
Caucasus Medicine And Healthcare School